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Halloween Promotion Sale Oct.10 ~ Nov.02
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Only EUR 63.08
MS Win 10 Home Retail KEY GLOBAL, goodoffer24 Halloween

MS Win 10 Home Retail KEY GLOBAL

【Halloween Promotion Sale】

Platforma: PC

EUR 80.87

EUR 82.79

Earn Up to EUR 8.09

Partnerski program

Kupi sada
Možda ti se također svidi
MS Win 10 Pro OEM KEY GLOBAL-Lifetime -76%
EUR 20.21 EUR 82.79
MS Win 11 Home OEM KEY GLOBAL -63%
EUR 24.59 EUR 66.66
MS Win 11 Pro OEM KEY GLOBAL-Lifetime -86%
EUR 28.64 EUR 199.99
MS Office2019 Professional Plus Key Global -68%
EUR 59.78 EUR 186.94
Opis proizvoda

Note: The Code Can Be Activate 5 times

The key will be sent via eMail. Please check the spam or junk mail folder too.

Description of Win 10 Home KEY

Win 10 combines the best of Win 7 and 8 (respectively, 8.1) and adds new, innovative functions to create the best Win OS of all time!

Win 10 Home KEY Features

  • Enjoy the return of the start menu and the Aero Glass surface, which many users have been missing in Win8
  • The new, integrated web browser "Project Spartan" that replaces the Internet Explorer, makes surfing and researching in the World Wide Web easier and more comfortable than ever before
  • New apps facilitate many established functions, ranging from photo management to games, maps and much more - universally on your PC, tablet or mobile phone
  • The new assistant Cortana offers cross-device voice command, as simple and comprehensive as never before
  • Automatic updates: Win 10 will always keep up to date, thus ensuring a maximum of security
  • Xbox on Win links Gaming from the Xbox console and the PC: enjoy cross-platform gaming and easier online play, and always keep in contact with your friends
  • The Win 10 Store gives you access to thousands of apps: Music, gaming, videos, Office, and much more
  • ... and many other functions!

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You have an unextracted key !
Nova stavka je dodana u vašu košaricu.
May We Suggest
MS Win 10 Pro OEM KEY GLOBAL-Lifetime

EUR 82.79 EUR 20.21

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EUR 66.66 EUR 24.59

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MS Win 11 Pro OEM KEY GLOBAL-Lifetime

EUR 199.99 EUR 28.64

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MS Office2019 Professional Plus Key Global

EUR 186.94 EUR 59.78

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MS Office2016 Professional Plus Key Global

EUR 133.00 EUR 35.06

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MS Win 10 Home OEM KEY GLOBAL-Lifetime

EUR 82.70 EUR 18.33

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MS Office 365 Account Global 5 Devices

EUR 43.33 EUR 34.06

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MS Office2021 Professional Plus Key Global

EUR 199.00 EUR 146.04

Dodaj u košaricu
MS Office 2019 (Home and Student/1 User)

EUR 179.00 EUR 65.74

Dodaj u košaricu

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Poštarina * Estimated Shipping Time Prativi Prijevoznik
*Procijenjena naknada, stvarni iznos izračunava se tijekom naplate.